Assemblymember Phillip Chen
Assembly District 55

J-Star Maserati Dealer
Jared and Marissa Merrill

Headquartered in Sacramento. Representing over 18,000 nurse practitioners in California
Professional organization working to increase access to expert health care providers in California

The largest chapter in the professional organization working to increase access to expert health care providers in California

The Orange County Professional Firefighters Association
The Orange County Professional Firefighters Association represents over 800 professional Firefighters of the Orange County Fire Authority and the Laguna Beach Fire Department. Combined, they provide regional fire protection to 23 cities and 1.5 million citizens in Orange County, California.
Bob and Debbie Conboy
Yorba Linda Residents
Dan and Kim Paul
Yorba Linda, CA resident
Mark and Donna Collins
Yorba Linda residents and business owners
Kieth and Karen Thomas
Yorba Linda residents and business owners
Dr. Susanne Phillips
Dr. Susan Tiso
Camille Fitzpatrick
Theresa Ullrich
Nurse Practitioner
Fred and Pat Peterson
Yorba Linda residents
Jim and Joyce Jennison
Yorba Linda residents and Business owners
Lori and Mike Rubel
Yorba Linda residents and business owners
Robert and Leah Traut
Business owners
Many, many Yorba Linda residents and businesses!
Too many to count
* Partial list but check back often to see new endoresments!